I have never written a review before but am grateful to everyone who has in the past and I can't let this one slide.
This highchair is perfect! I love how easy it is to clean. We've been through a few highchairs over the years with our children and this is by far the best one. Finally a company catches on. Besides being super easy to clean (no more stained straps or having to disassemble the entire chair to get it clean), it was easy to assemble (15-20 minutes, with little ones trying to help), and love the design. I love how the part of the tray comes off for cleaning, leaving another tray for baby, yet still stays attached and doesn't go flying off when baby grabs it. I also love how the tray actually goes in toward baby's chest instead of leaving a huge hole for food to fall into baby's lap.
So glad we spent the little extra money for this highchair. It will be well used for quite a while.

I bought this high chair right about the time my son was going to start eating solids. I had actually registered for a different one, and when I went to buy it, it was no longer available. I am so glad it wasn't! When I saw this one in-store (BRU), I had to buy it. Not only was it reasonably priced (Amazon's price on it is pretty good, too, especially for the Luv U Zoo print), but there were so many great features that it was a no-brainer.
First off, to address some of the complaints about size, my son is on the bigger side he is 100th percentile in length and 95th in weight and pretty much has been so far (he's 10 months old, about 32" long and about 25 pounds) and we have no problem with his fitting in the high chair. He also has chunky thighs that have no problem fitting inbetween the little t-bar thing. The tray can go all the way in without a problem and without squishing him. I do foresee that when he is bigger, it may be an issue that the back of the seat isn't very broad, so he may end up not being able to sit back all the way, but probably by that point he will be able to sit in a booster. So for those with babies on the bigger side, do not fear, and if you're worried about it, go check it out in-store at BRU. When I bought mine, there was a pre-assembled one on display. The upside to the chair's smaller size, though, is that my son doesn't have a lot of room to wiggle around and slip down, which helps (1) keep things clean and (2) focus on the task at hand (eating).
Second, I'd like to address the complaints that this high chair does not have wheels on the back, just the front, which some say makes it hard to push across the floor/carpeting. All I do is lean the chair forward so it's on the front wheels and push it backwards or pull it behind me. I am able to easily do this while carrying a 25-lb baby, and I move it from the dining room into the kitchen and back (about 20 feet) every day. I even roll it over an area rug in the dining room to get it to the kitchen, and I can do this without a problem. Maybe if I was rolling it with my son *in* the chair, it might be hard to do, but you're not supposed to do that. This chair is plenty light enough to remove him from the chair first, carry him, then move the chair where it needs to go, so there's really no need to move the chair with a baby strapped into it.
Otherwise I can't think of any cons, but here are the pros:
1. See above about the size of the chair with regard to non-wigglyness.
2. Cover is washable but also wipeable. Honestly I haven't had to wash it yet because it wipes off so nicely. It feels cotton-y, too, so you don't have that plastic/vinyl feeling. My only issue is that lint gets stuck to it from my son's clothes, but a quick swipe of a lint remover takes care of that.
3. The straps wipe off easily and, best of all, DON'T STAIN! It's admittedly gross when you see someone's high chair with the stained straps. You know they've cleaned them, but it still looks nasty. This is probably reason #1 why I bought a brand new chair instead of buying a used one!
4. The tray is dishwasher safe but also goes inward towards your child rather than leaves a gap. This is great for falling food it's more likely to hit the tray than end up in your child's lap. I find it helpful for teaching your baby to pick up finger foods and self-feed.
5. The chair is height adjustable and recline-able. Both are VERY easy to do. The straps are also super easy to adjust as your child grows.
6. Assembly was very easy! I was able to do it by myself in about a half an hour, and I'm not the handiest of women.
7. The print is adorable and unisex. We have a little boy, but who knows if any subsequent children will also be. Nothing like having a house full of frilly girly stuff or tough-boy stuff and then having a second child and feeling like you need new stuff.
8. SAFETY FEATURE What a LOT of people don't realize, and no one publicizes, is that most high chairs have a hidden danger... When kids are big enough to use their feet to kick off the table and push themselves backwards, they also have the ability to tip the chair over backwards. Sure, it's not likely, and some high chairs are probably more prone to it than others, but because of the leg configuration on this high chair, it is pretty much impossible for your child to accomplish this dangerous feat. I hadn't even thought of this until someone mentioned that their child had done this (as a warning not to keep my son too close to the table), so when I saw this high chair in the store, I realized it was built to prevent that, perhaps inadvertently.
I can't speak to the foldability of this chair because, well, I haven't traveled with it. However, because this chair is much more affordable than so many other high chairs, you can really afford to get a separate portable chair (the kind that straps to a regular chair) for travel.
I really can't say enough good things about this high chair. Everyone I know who has a baby (or is going to have a baby) and is in the market for a high chair probably hears way too much about it from me. I think a lot of folks think more money = better quality, which is often the case, in my opinion, but in this case they would be way off. The chair I registered for was about $150, and I am so grateful that I found this one instead!
Buy Fisher-Price EZ Clean High Chair Now
I really like this chair so far. My 10 month old son could stand up and fall out of our eddie bauer wooden high chair so I purchased this one on Amazon for $89. Even with out the study and easy to clean 5 point harness he is safely but comfortable restrained. I have very limited space in my house and this chair, while bulkier than my eddie bauer chair is still very compact and folds up nicely if I need to get it out of the way. When I read about the easy to clean cushion I was nervous that it would be plasticy but it is really soft and comfy for baby and like the name says, very EZ to clean! The tray does seem to be a little lower that I would like but it doesn't seem to bother my son it just means he gets a little more food on his shirt (oh well). Also the inside of the tray curves in towards baby, which makes it kind of awkward but again it still seems comfortable. When I first put my son in it, it looked like he was almost too big but then as soon as he got out, my 3 year old daughter climbed in and she fit just fine! The straps are super easy to adjust as is the height (even while baby is in). The tray cover actually covers the edges of the tray too unlike other chairs I've seen where it's just the top and it hard enough to get off where baby can't throw it on the ground but easy enough that I can get it off with one hand. All in all I great high chair and I would recommend it for anyone!
Read Best Reviews of Fisher-Price EZ Clean High Chair Here
I was looking for a simple chair that would be easy to clean, comfortable, and able to push up to the table without the tray. I love the smooth lines of this chair and the straps are brilliant! It is very comfortable for my 8 month old and my 3 year old. The only things that I don't love are the wide footprint (although this also equals stability), and the non-adjustable foot rest. Overall I am very happy with this purchase and think we will get lots of use out of it.
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I really like this highchair. I would give it a 4.5. It has a lot of good qualities. There are maybe a couple of things I think could have been better but, there aren't enough to bother me(like I don't like the orange circles but I actually did't notice them after about a day). Here's what I think of the features:
-the cover really is easy to clean. I can get it off easily if I need to. Water beads on it but, it does not feel plastic like at all. Also, I left carrots on it overnight and it came off easily and it didn't stain it. (I have the circles pattern). Because of how it is designed food doesn't get under the cover on the sides, which is awesome.
-The straps are rubber of something similar and are sooo easy to clean. It does leave red marks if the straps are too tight but they adjust easily, even while the child is in the high chair.
-I have a long and skinny girl and she fits great(8.5 months and about 18lbs and almost 30'' long). My best friend's son is short and a chunk and also fits comfortably. He is 6.5 months and weighs around 23lbs. The t-bar on the high chair doesn't bother him. From the back on the high chair to the t-bar is 7 inches. On mine it looks a lot smaller because of how the cover is sewn. When my baby isn't in the high chair the cover doesn't sit right up against the back of the chair. There's a least an inch of space between the cover and the chair itself. So, it's not as bad as it seems.
-This high chair doesn't have a big footprint. I mean this is a positive way. It's sturdy, but not huge. It's smaller than all the other high chairs I've had or my friends have.The footprint is 22''x27''. (24''x27'' if you measure the wheels in the front as the width)
-Now about the tray. Yes the top tray could've covered the sides but, it doesn't really bother me because the tray can be pushed up right against my daughter. The top tray will not fit in a smaller dishwasher. It fits in ours but only sideways so, it takes up a lot of room. The top tray does have a nudge thing that it kind of "snaps" to. So, it doesn't just sit on top of the base tray but, it doesn't fully snap on either. My 8.5 is nowhere near being able to take it off. I also love that the tray can be put on one-handed by using the front handle or by using the two handles on the side. Also, you don't have to slide it on. You can just put it straight on and take it straight off.
-The seat reclines into 3 positions, which is great but the handle to recline in on the back down right behind the child's bottom. It would be easier to reach if it were at the top but. Also, the handle it the kind where you pull it to unlock it and then have to help push the seat down until it locks again. I wish it had one where you pull on the handle then move it to the position you want by pushing or pulling on the handle. It also has different heights which are nicely spaced. Oh and the foot rest on the bottom doesn't move.
-I have now used the fold feature and traveled with the highchair. It was not made to store it folded up on a regular basis. The are two buttons you push behind the wheels. While pushing these, you swing the back part of the legs around to the front of the highchair. It's a lot easier to do with two people. We were able to stick in the trunk of our Kia Spectra just fine without a lot a other things in the trunk. If I had to travel with this and other stuff, I would unscrew the caps on the tops of the poles and slide the chair part off so it is in two parts.
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