How to Choose Bedwetting Diapers for an Older Child or Teenager

This article gives advice about how parents can choose an appropriate diaper to manage their older child or teenager's bedwetting.

  1. Decide on whether you want to use cloth diapers covered with plastic pants or disposable diapers. Or the parents may decide that they want to have the child or teen wear both styles of diapers to bed.
  2. After deciding on what style of diapers to purchase, get the measurements of the youngster.
    • The standard measurement used is the waist size, although some manufacturers of pin-on cloth diapers use weight ranges on their websites in addition to waist sizes. Additionally, some diaper manufacturers use hip measurements. These measurements are given on the websites of places that sell incontinence products. That being said if you have any additional questions you can call or email the company, that way you can avoid purchasing diapers that don't fit properly. It's important to get an appropriate fit in order to avoid leaks as well as having a diaper that is comfortable to wear.
  3. Be aware of the terminology used for incontinence products. For instance,the disposable diapers manufactured and sold for older children,teenagers,and adults are known as "disposable briefs". They're also called "adult diapers."
    • Disposable briefs have the same fit and design as baby diapers such as Pampers, Luvs, and Huggies. They have tapes for fastening the garments, elastic leg gathers to prevent leaks, a waterproof outer cover made of either cloth or plastic, and many disposable briefs have an elastic waistband which is also designed to prevent leaks.
    • A large number of parents might not be aware that they make pin-on style cloth diapers, plastic pants, and disposable diapers with tape tabs that fit older children and teenagers. As a result these people might have their child or teenager wear products you can purchase at grocery stores such as pull-ups and "Goodnites". While these products work for some people, a large number of bedwetters wet profusely and/or multiple times throughout the night. As a result some of these individuals pee through the pull-on style products and soak their bedding. In a situation such as this it would be prudent to have the child or teenager wear diapers instead.
    • It's been pointed out by both people suffering from incontinence as well as customer service reps from companies selling incontinence products, that diapers generally are more absorbent and provide more effective protection for severe forms of incontinence such as bedwetting. Many companies have sample packs of disposable diapers either for free or for a small price. This is something to consider because that way you can figure out what diaper works best for your older child or teenager.
    • One website has this to say regarding some of the advantages of using disposable briefs with tape tabs: "Since they come with refastenable side tabs, adult diapers can easily be changed while siting or lying down and without having to completely remove clothing. Adult diapers are also typically more absorbent and best for overnight protection and those with heavy to severe incontinence."
    • Another advantage of using disposable diapers with tape tabs over garments such as pull-ups and "Goodnites" is that there is a certain degree of flexibility with getting an appropriate fit with the user-since the tabs of the brief can be refastened multiple times it allows the wearer of the brief to adjust the brief to allow for a more secure fit. Also, since there is more flexibility with fastening the brief this allows for more ease when fitting different body types.
    • The following was said on another website selling incontinence products about the absorbency levels of disposable briefs with tape tabs: " Briefs, also called adult diapers, are designed for maximum absorbency. They fasten securely with tape tabs and provide the highest level of protection."
  4. Consider subscription plans. Some companies also have subscription plans where you can set up an account and have a certain quantity of diapers delivered at a certain time. This can be real convenient for some people because you don't have to call the company when you're almost out of diapers; the diapers are delivered automatically based on what schedule you set up with them.
  5. Don't feel limited by your choices. As mentioned at the beginning of this article some parents may want to use both cloth diapers and disposable diapers for their bedwetter. For instance, on some nights the parents could have the youngster wear pin-on cloth diapers covered with plastic pants and on other nights they could have them wear disposable diapers with tape tabs.
    • One reason to do this is because it cuts down on the laundry that the parents have to take care of. Another reason for doing this is because some individuals find that the cloth diapers and plastic pants are too uncomfortable to wear during warmer times of the year such as spring and summer. In cases like this, the person switches to disposable diapers.Earlier in this article it was mentioned that the disposable diapers manufactured for older children, teenagers, and adults are made with either a cloth like outer cover or a plastic outer covering.
    • Some people suffering from incontinence have mentioned that they prefer the disposable diapers with the plastic outer cover because they find them to be more comfortable to wear.Parents might want to consider getting samples of both styles of disposable diapers in order to determine which type offers the best protection and which kind is most comfortable.
  6. Find out what other options or accessories you might need are. If you decide to have the child or teenager wear cloth diapers to bed there are a number of accessories you'll need to purchase. These include diaper pins,plastic pants,and a diaper pail (if you decide to wash the diapers all at once). Safety pins can be purchased in the baby section of stores such as Target and Walmart as well as online places that sell cloth diapers for older children,teenagers,and adults.
    • Plastic pants are the most popular type of waterproof pants to put over cloth diapers. Plastic pants are made out of vinyl which is a type of plastic,hence the term "plastic pants." Plastic pants are also known as rubber pants,even though this is a misnomer. Rubber pants seem to be a generic term used by many people when referring to waterproof diaper pants. The reason I'm mentioning this is to clear up any confusion parents might have when buying waterproof pants to cover their older child or teenager's diapers.
    • Plastic pants are available in two styles-pull on and snap on. The pull on pants are designed to be pulled on just like regular underwear. The snap on style plastic pants are fastened with snaps on the side of the pants. The snap on waterproof pants are used primarily for people who are non ambulatory. There are several online places that sell cloth diapers and plastic pants for bigger kids,teenagers,and adults.
    • Other supplies you might want to purchase include diaper rash ointment (Balmex and Desitin are a couple brands of diaper rash ointment that are available in grocery stores, places like Walmart and Target,as well as pharmacies) and baby wipes. Individuals that wear incontinence products are susceptible to problems such as diaper rash and some people have more sensitive skin so it's very important to keep this in mind.There are a number of places online that also sell products designed to heal and prevent diaper rash. Most places that sell adult diapers also carry these products.
  • Although pin-on diapers aren't used as much as they used to be,there are companies out there that manufacture pin-on diapers for infants as well as older children,teenagers,and adults suffering from incontinence. From what I understand they seem to be making a comeback.
  • Pin-on cloth diapers are a very good choice for people suffering from bedwetting problems. At one time pin-on cloth diapers were the only option for parents to use on their babies. Pin-on cloth diapers are the workhorse of the cloth diaper world-they're durable and they're highly absorbent. They're also very versatile. An example of this versatility is that you can use them for various tasks around the house- in addition to using them as diapers people can use them as dust cloths,washing cars, as well as other household chores. Pin-on diapers are available in two styles-pre-fold and flat. They're also available in different types of fabrics. Gauze, birdseye, and flannel are three types of cotton fabrics that cloth diapers are made of.
  • After choosing diapers for the bedwetting child or teenager for many parents the hard work has just begun. Although you might see the merits of wearing diapers to bed,many older children will resist wearing the diapers. Some children and teenagers with bedwetting problems might feel okay about wearing diapers,in fact many of them might prefer to wear them as opposed to the discomfort of a wet bed. If you decide to have the youngster wear nighttime diapers but they are a bit skittish about wearing them, you can read the wikiHow article entitled Encourage Older Children and Teenagers to Wear Diapers for Bedwetting. This article offers several strategies and tips for parents on how to motivate and encourage an older child or teenager who might feel embarrassed and ashamed about their parents requiring them to wear diapers to manage their bedwetting. In addition to parents reading this article, it might help if the older child or teenager reads the article as well.
  • If the parents decide to use pin-on cloth diapers covered with plastic pants for their older child that wets the bed they may want to consider getting older siblings of the bedwetter to help out with laundering their diapers and plastic pants. The wikiHow article Involve Older Siblings With Laundering a Bedwetting Sibling's Diapers and Plastic Pants talks about this in greater detail. This is mainly appropriate for an older child- a bedwetting teenager that needs to wear plastic pants and cloth diapers might feel embarrassed about an older sibling being involved in this, on the other hand it might not be an issue. This depends on factors such as the relationship the bedwetting teen has with his or her older siblings. Many teenagers are responsible for taking care of their own laundry and if this the case with the bedwetting teenager that wears diapers and plastic pants, they can take care of these items as well. Every situation is different and how this task is accomplished is primarily up to the parents.
  • As mentioned above, some special needs children or teenagers may need to have their parents assist them with fastening their diapers. The degree to which the parents need to help out in this area depends on the severity of their condition. If the child or teen has a mild disability they may be able to handle the majority of the diapering on their own. In a situation such as this the parents can take the following steps to make the youngster feel less embarrassed about involving them in their bedtime routine: first,the parents can have the child or teen put the diaper on the bed,have him or her sit in the diaper,have them pull the diaper up between their legs and around their waist,then the child or teen can call the parent in to fasten the tapes or pins. The youngster can then put the plastic pants on themselves if they're using cloth diapers. Taking these steps can go a long way to making the youngster feel better about themselves and the situation.
  • Some advantages of pin-on cloth diapers are the following: you have a great deal of flexibility in how you fold and fasten the diapers in order to get a proper fit. This also helps if the person needs more absorbency in certain areas. For instance the individual might sleep on his or her side and might be more prone to side leakage. Having more flexibility in terms of how you layer and fasten the diapers can help in this regard. Another advantage of pin-on diapers is that they are highly absorbent and have excellent wicking ability. Wicking refers to how well liquid is dispersed throughout the diaper. Finally pins seem to be a more sturdy method of fastening diapers than other types such as Velcro and snaps. Velcro fasteners can wear out after a while from being washed and snaps can break.In addition to the previous advantages just mentioned,pin-on diapers dry quicker than other styles. A wikiHow article Choose Pin on Cloth Diapers for Older Children and Teenagers With Bedwetting Problems has additional material on this style of diaper, including a resource that gives steps on how to fold and pin the diapers on in order to provide maximum protection against leaks.
  • If the parents are having difficulty deciding on what type of diapers to purchase for their older child or teenager it might be a good idea to try both styles if financially feasible, that way you can get a feel for what diapers work best. Or as mentioned you might want to consider using both pin-on cloth diapers and disposable diapers. Another advantage of using both types is that you wash the diapers and plastic pants less frequently which makes them last longer(even though pin-on diapers are durable they still can wear out over time. That being said I've heard about some brands of pin-on diapers lasting for years). There are a number of brands of disposable briefs,plastic pants,and pin-on cloth diapers that are highly regarded by many individuals for managing bedwetting.
  • The best way to find out further information about the various brands and types of cloth diapers,disposable diapers, and plastic pants available to manage bedwetting with older children and teenagers is to do a Google search. The following blog "Tips on Managing Bedwetting" ( has articles with additional information about pin-on cloth diapers, plastic pants,and disposable diapers available for older children and teenagers that wet the bed. For information specifically about plastic pants and pin-on diapers click on the archive for April 2009.For information about disposable diapers click on the archive for October 2010.
  • It's very important that an older child or teenager be responsible for putting on and changing the diapers themselves. One of the reasons that many older youngsters might be apprehensive about wearing diapers is their fear that their parents are going to diaper them before going to bed and change them if they have an accident. The parents should stress to them that they will not be involved in any manner with putting their diapers on. The only scenario that this would be appropriate is if you have a special needs child or teenager that has some cognitive and/or physical disabilities that might prevent them or make it difficult for them to handle the diaper pins or tapes. I talk about how to deal with this scenario below.
  • If you are considering using a babysitter it would help to read the wikiHow article Be Discreet if You Wear Diapers for Bedwetting:Babysitters and Other Topics. Many bedwetters who are in diapers at night might be embarrassed about people outside their immediate family knowing that they have to wear diapers to bed, and this article offers several ideas on how children can be discreet about their diaper use. On the other hand, if you feel that the babysitter will be able to handle this in a mature manner then you can talk to them about it. If the child is older than 3 or 4, the babysitter might not have to know about it anyway since the child will be able to diaper and change themselves. This article talks about this in greater detail.
  • Another thing to keep in mind is this-even though the child or teenager is wearing diapers to bed, it's still a good idea to cover the bed with a waterproof sheet just in case the diapers leak. One idea for a waterproof sheet to protect the bed from bedwetting is plastic sheeting from the hardware store. The wikiHow article Use Hardware Store Plastic Sheeting as a Bedwetting Sheet discusses this in greater detail.


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