This pump gets a 1 star because all it is good for is expressing milk that must be poured down the drain. The bulb of this pump smells terribly of rubber and contaminates the milk. I thought this would fade after so many uses and washes but it didn't
I used this pump about 10+ times over 3 month period before i was ready to try and test out a bottlefeeding. I poured the milk to bottle right after pumping and it stank of the rubber bulb. I asked my husband to smell it and he said it smelled like rubber. Then...cautiously, i tested it...just barely! And nearly barfed in the sink and felt sick for hours too boot. TOO gross. Something is wrong with this pump!!
OH almost forgot, I had an impossible time getting the bulb to attach to the body. I never could do it. And my husband who usually laughs at me for this ineptitude was soon saying a number of frustrating cuss words whenever putting it together. ;) I kindof enjoyed that part.
A note about my experience thus far...
After trying 2 manual pumps and then an electric, i highly recommend an electric. even if it is a bad electric. But who knows, maybe my fiddling around with manual pumps for so long made a difference on how easily i got more milk and faster out of the electric. (i got a cheap evenflow mostly bad reviews but works great for me) The most I got from the manual pumps at once was 2 oz and usually i could only get 1~ish, and that took 20-40 minutes of concentrated pumping and massaging. Admittedly I only used the 2nd manual pump a few times(lansinoh), and it was much better than this one, so it could have been fine. However I was on some time constraints and needed milk supply quickly. When i tried the electric it was like magic and 10 minutes later i had 3 oz from one side!
but if you never mind how manual vs electric, just dont get this pump because ITS CHEAP!I was not impressed with this pump at all.
plus It was very hard to clean, as milk and water ( after washing the pump)
would get caught in the bulb, and cause it to get moldy,
even after letting it dry on a dish rack:(
Wish I had returned it.
Buy Nuby Natural Touch Breast Express Breast Pump Now
I had tried 4 other pumps including an electric one also and the suction although it was mild on the breast,the flow of milk (let down) was very slow that it was quite frustrating. I had received the nuby's pump as a gift and wasn't thrilled to use it because of the reviews i saw added to which it was the least popular and cheapest of the 5 pumps I had in the cupboard.After becoming frustrated with the others i thought to myself it wont hurt to try the nuby's. I did and was quite pleased. The suction was just right so it wasn't painful and the let down was rapid (was able to pump 6oz in less than 15minutes. However i didn't use the silicone milk storage that came with it i used other glass and plastic milk storage jars that I had. I started using it when DS was 1mth, he is approaching 7mths and I am still using a nuby natural touch breast express. "economical and efficient". :)
Read Best Reviews of Nuby Natural Touch Breast Express Breast Pump Here
i bought this pump because my LC told me i could try pumping colostrum at about 30 weeks being that i have had previous problems with low milk supply. I have a Medela pump that i use a lot AFTER baby but needed something cheap i could use for just a couple months and as needed for on the go let down and engorgment this pump has been working fine for what i need it for. no problems cleaning it or it retaining water. for only 8 dollars you really cant expect much more then what you get. my only complaint is that it takes some trial and error learning how to squeeze it in a way it doesnt suck too hard and hurt your boobie :)Want Nuby Natural Touch Breast Express Breast Pump Discount?
i bought this pump cause my electric one broke and i fugured cheap.. fast. ehh why not. but one.. its tiny. 2.. it leaks air 3.. it freakn hurts to pump with it. uncomfortable and made me sore
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