I had purchased baby leg warmers from Babylegs before and thought they would essentially be a very similar fit. Not so. The Huggalugs I purchased had a cute design and they seemed a little thicker but less stretchy than the Babylegs. However, I was not impressed by all the loose loops and threads inside the leg warmers. There were also a few loose threads on the outside but no big deal I could cut those off. What I do not like at all about these leg warmers is that they do not stay in place at all. The leg warmers continuously sag and go down below her knees, so they provide little warmth and no protection when she is crawling on the hard floors. My 9 month old is small and does not have superchunky thighs, maybe this brand would work for bigger babies or when she is older. I noticed that most leg warmers advertise up to age 6. At that age they become more like lower leg or calf warmers, so keep that in mind when purchasing.
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