I bought this for my son when he was 5 months old. He is now 7 months and still loves it! This item has a few options. First the yellow bird lights up as a night light for a minute or two when you press the button. It has the on/off switch and low/high volume. It either plays piano lullabies or nature sounds. You can play these by themselves for about 20 minutes or with the slide show for about 10 minutes. There is an easy access play button so if it shuts off and you want to turn it back on again you just press the play button. I have the same batteries in it that I put in it when I bought it and I've used it multiple time through the night every night for the last 2 months. The slide show is a bit lacking... it is the same two slides over and over, but at this age I don't think they notice(at least my boy doesn't seem to care). You can detach projector to take anywhere and there is a mirror behind it for playtime in the crib.
Lots of music/sound options
You can use the projector or just sound
Easy on batteries
Crib mirror
Same 2 slides over and over
This has helped my baby fall asleep, and stay asleep if he starts fussing a bit in the middle of the night for 2 months. He enjoys it and so do I. I would recommend this soother!

I hesitated buying this because there were only a few reviews and I wasn't sure if this would project onto our high ceilings. In the pictures it looks like the ceiling is maybe two feet above the crib, and we have 10ft ceilings, so I was very hesitant. I'm so glad I went ahead and took a chance because this is simply awesome! It projects beautifully on our ceilings. It is HUGE. I projected it in our living room first and was afraid because it was too big that the ceiling fan in my son's room would get in the way, but it doesn't! It's great! The picture is beautiful. I love the music. It's soft and wonderful. I can't say enough about it. It's so much better than I expected.
Buy Fisher-Price Luv U Zoo Crib 'N Go Projector Soother Now
My son had a very hard time transitioning from my bed to his own crib in his own room. And, many mobiles didn't fit our crib-plus, mobiles damage the wood when installing and removing. This projector changed everything! He loves to watch the ceiling projections as he falls asleep and the music is soothing (3 music options and 2 volume levels). It does turn off after a short amount of time, but we have a sound machine as back-up (white noise). The fact that there are only two images projected don't seem to affect my baby at all (he's 6 months old now)-he's still fascinated by the images. I love how this is also easily transportable for travel. And, it fits all cribs or you can even place it on a dresser or the floor. Easily removable without any kind of potential damage to cribs. Just make sure the room is dark when using the projection. You can always play the music without projection too. GREAT PRODUCT. Save your sanity now and just buy it.
UPDATE: My son is now 14 months; we bought this when he was 3 months old. It is still a hit with our son. I have seen him through the monitor turning on this projector by himself in the morning and middle of the night, then lying back down to watch the ceiling projections. He sooths himself back to sleep or at least stays entertained for another 30-60 minutes in the morning. We love this product!! And we have NOT had to replace batteries yet. Almost a year!! Buy this product!
Read Best Reviews of Fisher-Price Luv U Zoo Crib 'N Go Projector Soother Here
I bought this soother out of desperation for my 6 month old who wakes up every hour or two at night. While it does not, of course, prevent said constant waking, it does help soothe him back to sleep sometimes when he's not waking up hungry. And occasionally I can put him down for a nap, fussy and awake but sleepy, and turn this thing on and ten minutes later he's out without further intervention from me. Of note, we do not have one of those musical moving mobiles, I don't know that this thing necessarily works better than those do.
1) The music is surprisingly not-annoying for a plastic baby toy (which as a group have a pretty bad track record for this in my book).
2) I like the options of nature sounds vs music, and that you can opt not to turn on the light show (although we always do because it gets his attention and distracts him).
3) The 2 volume settings are good I was afraid it would be too loud on the quietest setting but it's just about right.
1) I wish there was some kind of length-of-time setting. Sometimes 10 minutes isn't quite enough and in order for me to push the button to restart it without him seeing me I have to perform a ridiculous feat of stealth that involves crawling around the crib in the semi-dark without making any noise.
2) I also wish it gave the option to run the light show without music. I feel that it would be less stimulating this way and maybe put him to sleep more often when he just needs a little extra push in that direction. Maybe not, but now I can't find out.
Not a con:
Yes, it only has two slides as pointed out by other reviewers, but let's face it, it's for babies. I don't think they care. My baby can stare at his own fist for ten minutes.
In summary, worth the money. It soothes baby and does not annoy me so we all win.
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This music projector is great for so many reasons. One thing it has that none if the others I've researched for our 2nd thats on the way have is a little night light to help you check the baby. We've been using this with my now 18-month-old since he was just a month old & he still loves it. Now, he can stand up & push the button himself if he wakes up at night & it relaxes him to hear the familiar music & to have a soft light from the projector. I like it because there is a very dim little night night in the bird that you can turn on to check the baby without disturbing (& it even shuts off automatically after about 15 seconds or so). Also, since it clips out of its crib attachment base, we can easily carry it to Nana'a house or any time we travel to keep our bedtime routine. I play the music the entire time we do our story, diaper change, & PJs routine & have done so since he was tiny. Now, he relaxes immediately when he hears the music and sees the projection. Coupled with a night light behind our rocker, the projector is enough to read a story by without being too bright to keep him up after I put him in bed. It's held up GREAT to HOURS of playing & the batteries last for a long time. I think we will order a second one so he can keep his when he transitions to his toddler room & his new little sister can have one too. Don't go for a more expensive version-trust me, this one has GREAT features that the others don't at a way better price & lasts.
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