I bought these wipes for my baby and I absolutely love them! They are very soft and not dry like some wipes are! So, you don't have to use so many...

I keep these in my home at all times to use with my new grandchildren. Love this item and it is thicker, softer, and more efficient than the brands sold in the stores.
Buy Nice 'N Clean Baby Wipes with Aloe, Travel Paks, Unscented, Hypoallergenic, Case of 12/40s (480 ct) Now
We've tried a variety of baby wipes and these are my favorites. They dispense easily, which when you're trying to change the diaper on a wriggly baby, really matters! We use this size for the diaper bag, but I prefer the 80-wipe packages for changing table use (those have a plastic flap that latches closed, while these have an adhesive label that reseals). No smell, appropriately wet without being dripping, and sturdy but soft.
Read Best Reviews of Nice 'N Clean Baby Wipes with Aloe, Travel Paks, Unscented, Hypoallergenic, Case of 12/40s (480 ct) Here
I was in the hospital recently with my daughter and the hospital used these wipes during our stay. These wipes are a lot softer and less abrasive than Huggies, which I currently use. My daughter had a mild case of diaper rash and using these wipes were easier on her bottom.
Want Nice 'N Clean Baby Wipes with Aloe, Travel Paks, Unscented, Hypoallergenic, Case of 12/40s (480 ct) Discount?
I got twins, and both used to get rashes from wipes. I started using this since their end of first month, and have been using it since 3 months now. They never give rashes to my babies, are thick and soft to do their job very well. I will never switch to any other wipe. oh and I like that it comes in small packs. I can take out for upstairs, downstairs, diaper bag, etc. Very convenient.
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