These diapers worked great when my daughter was a new born. Then, they started leaking like crazy overnight when she started sleeping longer (about 8 hours)! Even with two inserts stuffed in them, which are then super bulkey, which makes me worry about hip issues because she can't even close her legs properly. So, I emailed Fuzzibunz, and they sent me a totally new loadwhich now leak even worse, even during the day. The issue is, they changed the manufacturing of their fleece on the inside of the diaper. It doesn't wisk liquid away from the baby, the liquid sits on the diaper, and leaks out the sides/back. These are terrible. The company must not have done much testing on their new fleece. The old Fuzzibunz were ALRIGHT, but again... Still leaking issues. We were using a very gentile eco-friendly detergent and following all of their laundering suggestions. We recently went out and bought two different cloth diapers, which work MUCH betterNO LEAKS!! The one she slept in last night was Happy Hineys. She slept for 8 hours straight in this diaper and didn't leak at all! I was thrilled not to have to change all of her bedding and clothes at 3:30 in the morning for the first time in months! It was great. Then we had her in Bumgenis, which she slept in from 4-8 with no leaks... I highly recommend trying these before you decide to waste your money on leaky diapers. These are the worst!

These are great diapers, Made very well. Very absorbent. Wash very well. The colors I received were great. No complaints at all.
Buy Fuzzi Bunz One Size Diaper Package 9 Pack Girl Color Now
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