Customer review from the Amazon Vine Program
I loved Pampers Swaddlers when my daughter was a younger infant, but when she started crawling, I dutifully switched to cruisers halfway through her stint in size 3 because I felt like I was "supposed to" now that she was actively moving.
Overall I've been happy with cruisers. She was in Cruisers size 3 and then size 4 during the day, and Huggies Overnight at night (she was soaking her cruisers at night, and Huggies Overnights are definitely the best!)
I've had the chance to compare the Swaddlers to the Cruisers in size 4, and I can see the differences when I look at the diaper itself. The Swaddlers are more padded (thicker), whereas the Cruisers have a strong elastic. And of course the Swaddlers have that yellow/blue stripe to tell you when the diaper is wet. Personally I don't really need that stripe at my daughter's current size. The days of teaspoon-sized pees in stationary babies asleep in a crib are long gone, and if she's wet, I kinda know.
Swaddlers: Thicker, Yellow Stripe
Cruisers: Thinner, more elastic
Both: Perfect for my long & lean 13 month old no leaks (21 lbs ... I move up diaper sizes early)
Neither: Neither is great for overnight for a toddler who actively soaks a diapers. But that's why there are overnight diapers!
Overall I can't say I have a preference between the two. If you love swaddlers and/or really want the stripe, then stick with swaddlers and don't worry that you should move to cruisers because your baby is crawling/walking. If you use cruisers and are happy, don't let the fact that you can get swaddlers in size 4 make you question which is better. In my opinion there really isn't much of a difference. The Swaddlers are just as good for my very active 13 month old. Choose your diaper on price or on the cartoon character on the front or whatever you care about. I really don't think there is functionally much of a difference between Swaddlers and Cruisers.

Customer review from the Amazon Vine Program These Swaddlers size 4 (with copyright 2013 on the box) have the internal netting found on Swaddlers size 1-3 that's good for newborn poops. We've used Swaddlers pretty much since birth, and the closest our now 22-month, 26-pound daughter has come to diaper rash is a little pink on the skin --never red.
Last year, copyright-2012 Swaddlers became available in sizes 4 and 5 but without the netting, and to me, they were just like Cruisers plus the visual wetness indicator stripe; and possible some additional capacity. I felt the Cruisers could hold about two-and-a-half pees; and Swaddlers could take at least three pees. We use Cruisers during the day and Swaddlers at night.
I think these copyright-2013 Swaddlers have the same liquid capacity as the 2012 Swaddlers, and I thought the netting came in helpful during a case of diarrhea last week. The netting seems to help move liquid poop a little farther from the skin.
These are the diapers that we will take when we go traveling.
Reliability-cost estimation:
For size-4 diapers, Amazon offers a range of unit prices from Pampers Baby Dry at $0.17 per diaper to Seventh Generation at $0.40 per diaper. These Swaddlers are nominally 0.33 per diaper. I want to estimate the real cost of diapers when accounting for the leak or user error rate.
Suppose each leak or user error rate ruins one set of clothing, and you can wash 15 sets of baby clothing at once. Then each leak event has an average cost of 1/15 of the time and money spent on one load of laundry. (For me, that's about 1 hour and $3; so each leak costs me 4 minutes plus $0.20.)
I'd estimate the rate of leakage or user error of these Pampers Swaddlers to be about 1 per 300 diapers = 0.003. (By contrast, the Huggies we got from the hospital had an error rate of 2 per 30 = 0.06. I concede I was less experienced in diapering then, so my error rate might be lower now.)
Then the real cost of Pampers Swaddlers is the nominal cost + error rate * (cost of an error) = 0.33 + 0.3% * (4 minutes plus $0.20). If I value my time at $15 per hour, then that adds up to about 0.3336 per diaper.
On the other hand, the real cost of the Huggies, using the same formula, is: (base cost of Huggies) + 6% * (4 minutes plus $0.20), which adds up to (base cost) plus $0.07. I'd say a $0.07 margin erases a big part of the price advantage.
The calculation changes if your time is worth more or less, which will make you more or less demanding of well-fitting well-designed diapers.
Buy Pampers Swaddlers Diapers Now
Customer review from the Amazon Vine Program These diapers for the newborn in your life does the job. The diapers may seem thin, but they actually stop any spills or leakage in other ways. The newborn in my life who wore these didn't have any complaints and the diaper feels soft and is easy to use. Well worth the money and again proves Pampers is the go-to in diaper products.
Read Best Reviews of Pampers Swaddlers Diapers Here
I did a lot of shopping around because I really like these diapers and think the yellow to blue line is a great idea. I do think I change my daughters diaper more because as soon as I see the blue line I change her diaper but that is not why I'm giving a bad review, the diaper company went and "changed" the package and the diaper count went from 204 to 186 and in most cases the price stayed the same but as for amazon the price increased for less diapers. I'm extremely disappointed in this change and hopes that the company rectifies the situation.
Want Pampers Swaddlers Diapers Discount?
Customer review from the Amazon Vine Program With our first child we shopped diapers and dealt with a lot of failure before settling on Pampers. These are simply worth the money. They fit, they don't leak and Pampers quality control is amazing, we've been through amazing numbers of diapers over the past five years and really feel they are second to none. We are now on number three and still going strong on Pampers!
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