My son has CP and cannot tilt a regular sippy cup to drink from it. Therefore, we use this cup only and it is perfect for him. I can easily hand it to him, even when he's in his car seat and he holds the handles with no problem. I don't have to tilt it and hold it for him. We have even bought replacements parts for one (an older model) and made it good as new. The new cups have better straws that don't leak like the older ones did. I am happy they improved them. There is a little piece of straw extension on the inside of the cup that's removable, making it easy to lose. I wash this little piece by hand and put the rest of the cup in the dishwasher. It doesn't fit in a cup/bottle holder (the handles make it too wide) so I just put it inside the diaper bag when we're on the go. I don't know what we would do if Nuby didn't make this cup. It would definitely be harder on me.
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