It doesn't look like a diaper bag but has all the pocket's you'll need and comes with a compact changing pad. It has a hidden insulated bottle pocket on the side and patented stroller straps for hanging on your stroller (just make sure it's not too heavy or your stroller will topple over). This bag is made by the makers of Storksak which is a higher end baby diaper bag company. It is high quality and comes in a few beautiful colors.
If you want more reviews on baby registry items, what to pack in your hospital bag, or even a full stroller shopping guide, visit the website, the birth of my son my wife stated she wanted a new diaper bag. She picked out this bag specifically and left it where she knew I would see it. It arrived fast and in time for our sons early arrival. The bag is spacious, colorful and crafted very well. I also bought her a Coach bag for Christmas and she has yet to use it for anything. It's a wonderfully made product. Highly recommended.
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