Pampers Baby Dry Diapers, Size 4, 24 Count

Pampers Baby Dry Diapers, Size 4, 24 CountLook, you can have your kid poop and pee all over the place, but who needs that? Your other alternative is to have it all contained in one neat, disposable package. I know when I'm dealing with nasty bombs coming out of my kid's rear, I want them as contained as possible and as easily disposed as possible. It's far less fun to clean it up from god-knows-where around the house. In fact, without diapers, he might be able to go somewhere I don't know about and then let it ferment for weeks. All the while, I'll be thinking I just am gross and need to shower more often or that my dog dropped some cable somewhere.

So really, in the end, it comes down to this: Your kid pooping and peeing willy-nilly all over the place or in a nice, neat diaper. Make the right choice, people.


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