New parent here. I have been using Swaddlers since my baby was born (newborn size). Great diapers in my opinion.
I had read that some Pampers diapers had Dry-Max in them and that it could irritate sensitive skin. However, as much reading I did online I never got a good concrete answer on which Pampers Swaddlers had dry-max in them.
To convolute things even more, go to a local store that sells diapers and you will probably find that some Pampers Swaddlers packages say "with Dry Max" on them and some dont (I'm not talking about the Sensitive version Just regular Swaddlers). So Pampers makes two versions of Swaddlers, one with Dry max and one without? WRONG! (well, at least according to Pampers themselves that is wrong). Straight from Pampers customer service:
1. Any regular Pampers Swaddlers (non-Sensiitive versions) diapers have Dry-Max (regardless of whether it says Dry-max on the packing or not)
2. Pampers Swaddlers SENSITIVE do NOT have Dry-Max
I confirmed this by sending them the product codes of various diapers I had bought online and in actual stores, and they confirmed that each one had dry-max in it (even though some of the packaging did not explicitly say dry-max on it).
For the really confusing part, there is a non-sensitive Pampers Swaddlers Newborn diaper that does NOT have dry-max in it, even though it is packaged like a "regular" Swaddler (i.e. non-sensitive). Look closely and you will see on each of these newborn packages that it has a special little symbol on it that reads "SPECIALIZED HOSPITAL PRODUCT". What's that all about? I contacted Pampers again:
"Thanks for writing!
There is some packaging that is normally not offered at the retail level. These Swaddlers are going to be plain white for the hopsitals, and the make up of the diaper is like Swaddlers Sensitive. "
So at least for some newborn Swaddlers, they are made like Sensitive Swaddlers and do not have dry-max. Those diapers can be found here (see sellers Trend Marketing or Planet Stuff):
Pampers Swaddlers Newborn 240 Diapers (12 packs of 20)
whew...that was confusing right? So in summary, according to Pampers themselves:
ANY "regular" Swaddlers have Dry-max, UNLESS the packaging says "SPECIALIZED HOSPITAL PRODUCT" on the outside.
ANY "sensitive" Swaddlers do NOT have dry-max.
I hope this helps someone!!

Most hospitals I know of will use these Pampers Swaddlers diapers for babies born in the hospital. I am sure many of you are buying these because it was what your baby first used at the hospital.
I have been ordering these exact diapers (either from sellers Trend marketing or Planet Stuff, both "fulfilled by Amazon") for about a month now for my newborn (born 6lbs 7oz). They fit her great and we have not had any leaks or blowouts (knock on wood). They are soft, seemingly comfortable for her, and I do not believe that it irritates her skin.
Here comes the tricky part.
As you may or may not know, Pampers has something called "DRY MAX" that is added to some diapers to make them more absorbent. These extra substances may or may not irritate your baby's skin. Search online and you will find that many people have complained about having DRY MAX in the diapers and it giving their baby a rash.
To convolute things even more, go to a local store that sells diapers and you will probably find that some Pampers Swaddlers packages say "with Dry Max" on them and some dont. So Pampers makes two versions of Swaddlers, one with Dry max and one without? WRONG! (well, according to Pampers themselves that is wrong).
Straight from Pampers themselves:
1. Any regular Pampers Swaddlers (non-Sensiitive versions) diapers have Dry-Max
2. Pampers Swaddlers SENSITIVE do NOT have Dry-Max
So, what about these diapers? They are marked as Pampers Swaddlers (non-Sensitive). So we assume they have Dry-Max in them right? WRONG! Pampers does it again and confuses us even more --order these (from the sellers i listed) and you will notice that packaging has a special little symbol on it that reads "SPECIALIZED HOSPITAL PRODUCT". What's that all about? I contacted Pampers again:
"Thanks for writing!
There is some packaging that is normally not offered at the retail level. These Swaddlers are going to be plain white for the hopsitals, and the make up of the diaper is like Swaddlers Sensitive. "
So there you have it. Even those these are marked as Regular Swaddlers, they are a special hospital version and do NOT have Dry-max (a.k.a. are made like Swaddlers Sensitive).
whew, that was confusing!
When my baby moves up to size 1, i will go straight to Swaddlers Sensitive and not even deal with this dry-max vs. non-drymax fiasco (note: many people are happy with dry-max too! just depends on your baby!)
hope this helps!!!!
edit* just wanted to mention, in the Amazon picture for this product you can actually see the special symbol. It is a white circle with a + in the middle, and around it says "Specialized Hospital Product"
Buy Pampers Swaddlers Now
We have used these Pampers Swaddlers with wetness indicator since our baby was a Newborn. With 4 little nieces, we knew which brand we wanted and which type. In the family's "mom's circle" it was just well known to go with the Pampers Swaddlers. During our baby shower, one of the gift baskets had Huggies and sure enough, we had 2 blow-outs/leak-throughs in the short amount of time we used them. We have had "blow-ups" with the Pampers, but that was the indication we needed a bigger size, as it travelled up the back of the diaper and wouldn't have been an issue if the diaper was slightly bigger. We've gone from NB to Size 1 and now on Size 2 and almost ready for Size 3. (Knock on wood) With Size 2, she hasn't any blow-ups (or blow-outs) thus far. At 5 months we took her to day care, where she has had 2 blow-outs/leak-throughs in less than a 1 month using their daycare-supplied-economy diapers.
Overall, we've been through 600+ Pampers Swaddlers diapers with no blow-outs/leak-throughs, but we have had a few blow-ups past the back of the diaper when she needed a new size.
[Update 8-7-12: We are now on Size 3 and introduced some Stage 1 solid foods. Size 3 seem to be about an inch taller than Size 2 and we've had some close calls that surely would've crept past the top of a Size 2. So as of this date, still no blow-outs or leak-throughs, especially since we are in Size 3. That's some 750+ Swaddler diapers to date. I can also confirm that before sales tax, your price will also be under $38 for Size 3.]
Here are some tips to getting the best price and experience when purchasing diapers online:
Amazon Moms Save 20%!
If you don't know about this program, JOIN IT NOW. (Search Amazon Help for more details) It took a couple weeks for us to be "accepted" into this program. (It used to be open, but now you have to "apply" for it) With Amazon Moms, you'll save 15% on most items, such as these diapers. Then, *IF* you sign up for Subscribe & Save, you'll save an additional 5%, for a total of 20% off. Don't worry, Subscribe & Save is very flexible, if you are unsure how fast you'll go through a box, then set the delivery to every 3 months. If you need a box immediately, you can click on "Need Extra Delivery" and it'll get to you in 2 days since Amazon Moms is already a benefit of the Amazon Prime Program. Then, if your baby changes sizes, simply cancel your subscription (even if you only used it once) and Subscribe & Save to the new size. It takes maybe 5 minutes a month to monitor/review your subscriptions...for the extra 5% savings, it is worth it. Put a reminder on your calendar to check it when you do bills each month.
Look for the "Clip this Coupon" button
This is basically free money. Currently (7-7-12) you can click on this button and it takes $3 off your order. It's easy to miss the button and the coupon, so be on the look out when ordering diapers. Clicking the button takes an extra second.
[UPDATE 8-29-12: Welps looks like some good things come to an end. I ordered some more Size3 diapers and it stated the "Clip this Coupon" had been redeemed the max number of times, oh well, I'll still keep an eye out for other promotions. My total was $41 instead.]
Be careful which Vendor you choose
Currently, THIS item ships from Amazon.com versus another vendor like 'Medical Management Company' etc. First, my customer service experience with Amazon has ALWAYS been excellent. When you read the reviews here, some of the 1-2 stars aren't really because of the correct product, rather...because the wrong product was shipped by the vendor. Ie. Some people receive these diapers WITHOUT the wetness indicator, well, it's not a bad review of the Pampers Swaddlers with wetness indicator, it's really a bad review of the vendor who falsely advertised or sent the wrong product. Had they received the correct product at the price they wanted from said vendor, they would likely have written the positive review of their experience with the actual, correct product.
Let's help others:
If you've had perfect experience with a particular vendor, please comment here and people can check here to see who the "good" vendors are before ordering.
Overall [Updated]:
As of 8-7-12, if you're paying more than $38 or so for NB, Size 1, Size 2 diapers (200+ quantity) or Size 3 (174 qty)[See 8-29-12 update above!], then you're leaving money on the table. Join Amazon Mom's program, make use of Subscribe & Save, Clip Coupons, and ensure the vendor is Amazon.com or a known, good vendor, based on the comments here.
General Feedback Update 3-19-2013
At some point (it's been a blur!) we switched to Size 4, and Yes, you can still get the wetness indicator on Size 4 diapers. Also, since I posted this review, Amazon changed their Subscribe and Save policy! You can't just subscribe and cancel and subscribe again, well, you can but they only ship at the beginning of the month. We actually got in a bind, we had to buy diapers locally and pay more. As of this writing, we are still getting a box of Size 4 w/wetness indicator, quantity of 144 for ~$38, though a recent shipment was $40, but they also started charging sales tax in Texas for Amazon orders :-( . Also, because of the Subscribe and Save policy change, we had to order 2 boxes of Size 4 at a time to keep up, since you get less and less diapers the more you move up in size.
Read Best Reviews of Pampers Swaddlers Here
These are plain and simply the best diapers on the market. I can't say nearly as much for regular Pampers, Huggies, or even Luvs. We tried every brand available when my son was born a size preemie nothing would fit on him, and everything leaked! We had our hospital guests running out for us to find us preemie onsies, sleepers, and diapers. Then we finally decided to try these, and they still fit him, no matter what he's growing like at the time. They're super stretchy and the softest diaper I've felt. Nothing scratchy touching the baby, and since they stretch and fit comfortably snug no matter what, you never have a pile of left over diapers that don't fit him anymore, when they go up to a new size. They fit till the end, and they overlap each other in size rage so there are no weird periods of growth when he's an 'in-between' size. They are also SUPER absorbant. We've changed more than one leak from Huggies, (regular) Pampers, and Luvs and most of them were all from 'weird angle!' accidents and the diapers were barely wet. With Swaddlers you go to change the diaper and it's as heavy as a softball and you're just flabberghasted. They pull everything away from his skin, and are just plain and simple = wonderful.
Want Pampers Swaddlers Discount?
I'm a 1st time dad and was pleased to see our hospital (huge, big-city hospital that delivers 4000 babies a year) using Pampers Swaddlers for newborns. I had never changed a diaper so I had the nurse give me detailed instructions. She said the swaddlers are the best of breed especially for newborns.
Knock on wood, but we have yet to have an infamous Blow-Out, and we have had lots of full diapers. No leaks either.
Now if Amazon would just figure out how to keep these in stock....
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