We have been using Pampers Swaddlers since my son was born. My son is on the larger size (97% for height and 80% for weight) for his age, and each size we have bought is true to the size stated on the package and fit him great. We have never had a blow out or any kind of allergic reaction. We know these diapers are good because family had given us a package of Huggies and also a package of Target brand diapers. Both diapers felt cheap in comparison to the Pampers and did fit as snugly as the Swaddlers. I definitely vote for Pampers over other popular brands.

My son got a diaper rash after switching to size 3 of Pampers Swaddlers. It was because of the diaper for sure as we checked it with our pediatrician. Also the rash has gone as soon as we started to use 7th generation diapers. I don't know what is wrong with this size, as size N,1,2 worked very good for us.
Buy Pampers Swaddlers Diapers Jumbo Pack Size 3 30ct. Now
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