My wife and I have been very pleased with the G-Diapers system for our first child. It's nice not having to constantly buy (and dispose of) dozens of diapers every week. While the gBaby Bundle only comes with the disposable type inserts we also bought a few packs of the reusable kind and have used them almost exclusively for the first 4-weeks or so our daughters life. So far so good, no problem with leaks or spills.
Here's what my wife and I bought:
1) gBaby Bundle (Recommend) gDiapers gBaby Bundle, Newborn Diapers
2) 4 packs of the small (8-14lbs)gCloth inserts, 6 ct. (Recommend, could probably have gotten by with 3 packs, put this allows us a little more time between loads of laundry).
3)1 box of the gDiapers gCloth Liners, 105 ct. 1 box will last about two weeks, I'd recommend buying 3 or 4 boxes if you're going to go full-on with the reusable inserts. We put one in every diaper and they are a godsend. gDiapers gCloth Liners 105 Count
We also bought a case of the flushable diaper refills, gDiapers Refill CaseSmall (160 Count) and have found that to be unnecessary. These are handy to have around, but the amount in the gBaby Bundle is more than sufficient to last awhile, unless you'll not be using the reusable inserts.
The one product that G-Diapers does not really explain well is the optional "g-Cloth Liners" that sit on top of the reusable cloth inserts. The problem is that they use the term "liner" for a couple of different products which have almost exactly the same name. There are the "gDiapers Cloth Diaper Liners"which are the snap in liners that go into the G-Pants and hold the diaper inserts, but there are also the "gDiapers gCloth Liners" which sit on top of the diaper.
Frankly, the "gCloth Liners" are great and really make the system work on a tidy, convenient way. They basically allow you to lift solid waste off of the liner and just drop it in the toilet. This presents you from having to rinse the reusable inserts (which would otherwise be covered in poop) before throwing them in the laundry. No fuss no muss. Probably goes without saying (but I will), you won't need these if you'll be using the disposable diaper inserts, as these can already go straight into the toilet.
The upfront investment on this was a little steep, but now we won't have to buy anything else (except perhaps a few more boxes of the liners, which are cheap) until she hits until she hits 15 lbs or so. I'm guessing a bit more expensive than just buying disposables, but not by much and none of the landfill clogging waste.
Very pleased with this system.

These cloth inserts are fine. My only complaint is that they are on the expensive side. Our daughter wears size medium gdiapers. For medium diapers, I highly recommend using the SMALL cloth inserts (the med-xl insert size is HUGE). The small cloth inserts fill the entire plastic liner for the medium gpant.
CHEAPER OPTIONS: There are cheaper cloth options available that work well with gdiapers. I use Gerber flat fold birdseye cloth diapers. They are more than half the price of the gdiaper cloth inserts and work GREAT! For the medium gpants, I fold the Gerber flat folds in fourths and then in half. I change about every 2 hours, same with the gdiapers cloth inserts. This method also does not add any extra bulk to the diaper. I also like Osocozy flat diapers (super soft and available on Amazon). They are larger than the Gerber brand, so they are probably wouldn't work well in the small g pants (although I haven't tried it). Osocozy flat diapers sell on Amazon for under $10 for a 6 pack.
Buy gDiapers gCloth Inserts, 6-Count Now
I liked the idea of g-diapers but always thought, what's the point if your not going to save any money? But now with these great cloth inserts, you can have the ultimate cute diaper and save tons of money. These inserts are great they have micro fleece on the side that goes next to your baby's tush, so it stays soft and dry next to the skin, then they have a super absorbent hemp on the other side. I plan to buy a bunch more to use with all my pocket diapers as well as my g-diapers.
Read Best Reviews of gDiapers gCloth Inserts, 6-Count Here
My daughter soaks right through these. She's always feeling moist outside of the diaper. Using two keeps the moisture at bay, but then her diaper is beyond bulky. I've cut up a few receiving blankets and sewn them together to make my own doubler for now. It helps, but using old wash cloths folded into thirds works better. I've never had a problem getting them clean. They seem to take a bit to dry, but I don't know if this is due to my washer/dryer combo (one machine) or not. Overall, I'd recommend these as long as your child isn't a heavy wetter. I think as my daughter gets older and less of a heavy wetter, they'll be fine.
Want gDiapers gCloth Inserts, 6-Count Discount?
I have used gDiapers from the beginning with my now three month old daughter and we love them. The newborn diapers are a little tricky since the liner is built in and you have to wash after every poop, but once she reached the small size with the snap in liner, it's been smooth sailing . Tips: 1) You will have to change diapers more often, as stated by the company, cloth is never as absorbant as disposables. 2) if your baby is sensitive, use gRefills for naps and nights as they wick moisture a little better. 3) your liners WILL get messy with poops (especially breastfed babies) so buy an extra 6 pack 4) if you change promptly and often you will rarely have to wash covers. 5) ALWAYS make sure the liner is tucked into baby's groin like underwear. Check the website for help if you're getting leaks.
We had way more leaks with the few disposables we used.
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