There is an awful smell so bad that after 3 washings and one run through the dishwasher it still smells. Not as strong as it did pulling it out of the plastic, but once I had it around my neck I couldn't help keep wondering what that terrible smell could be and then I realized it was the necklace. The necklace is really pretty IMO and it does pull your hair it will pull it out so be careful. My daughter does like it but I can't get past the smell and wonder what kind of toxic odor she is going to smell like from having that in her mouth.

These beads are ugly, enormous and hang very low (probably so they are easy to put on and get off)I would never wear them as a piece of jewerly. Once opened, they have a strong plastic/ rubbery smell that still hasn't dissipated after 24 hours of airing out and several soaks in water and liquid dish soap. Dog hair and lint cling to the silicone like crazy and I am constantly trying to remove it before my son puts it in his mouth. It is extremely difficult to remove the hair! The hair accumulates even if you put them in a place without dog hair. My son puts the beads in his mouth for a few seconds, makes a funny face and then spits them out. He doesn't like them as a teether but it keeps him occupied as a toy. Don' t waste your money on this item. For the cost you can buy several teether toys and probably find one your child likes.
Buy Chewbeads Greenwich Necklace Now
I am very happy with my chew beads! I wish I didn't wait so long to buy them. I still think they are a little pricy, but glad I made the purchase. They look great, easy to wear and clean. My baby seems to enjoy them. I use a baby sling a lot, and when I wear the necklace the combination keeps her very happy. Makes it great to go out to places with her. Only downfall is the necklace sometimes pulls at the hair at the base of my hair line.
Read Best Reviews of Chewbeads Greenwich Necklace Here
For when I really want to wear a chunky statement necklace, this is perfect. My son is in the throes of teething so everything is considered fair game. Word to the wise, when I say it's a chunky statement necklace, it is suuuuuper chunky. Nothing dainty bout this thing.
But when it's knotted between every bead (for safety) and even the clasp is ok to be chewed on (for safety!), this is the perfect thing for a mama who wants to wear her baby to the grocery store, weddings, and bbqs!
Want Chewbeads Greenwich Necklace Discount?
Loved getting this for my fashion forward friend who is expecting! Her little girl loves to grab on and chew making the necklace both functional and fabulous.
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