This bag has three large pockets, one zipper pocket and endless amounts of space in the actual bag itself. The material is great quality and the leather accents make it a nice choice for work as well. The only drawback is the leather means this bag cannot go in the wash. However, this bag has flown with me internationally and on multiple trips and cleans up well when spot treated. I also really love that the straps are thicker than other bags I've had and the leather gives it a little extra support on my shoulder. Despite loading it up with all my stuff, I never get that "digging into my shoulder" pain.
What has my cheap self learned during my search for the "perfect" diaper bag? You get what you pay for. You will not regret getting this bag.I'd been on the search for a stylish and cute diaper bag that didn't LOOK like a diaper bag, for a long time when I came across this one on Amazon. I love it. It's big purse, with 3 inside pockets (great for diapers, pacis, etc.) and one inside zip pocket. The main compartment is huge, and hold a lot. I love that I can carry this around with me and not feel like I look like I'm toting diapers and baby stuff everywhere I go.
My only complaint would be that since there's leather on the bag, I'm assuming you can't put it in the washer, although the rest of the bag is fabric. Dry clean maybe? I've had it fora bout 6 months, and so far I've only had to spot-wash a small spot on it, which came out fine with a little bit of detergent on a sponge.
I would definitely recommend this to someone looking for a cute diaper bag!
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