Anyway, my point with the above calculation is that I got about 175 diapers in each refill. Not at all 270. Maybe they packed them airtight but through normal use, I think it's far less than 270. And of course, once she gets into larger size diapers, it will be even fewer.
So what does this mean? Based on current pricing, it means I'm paying another 3.5 cents PER DIAPER for my diaper genie. And that's newborn size. If you are someone sitting there calculating your per-diaper costs, you may not think much about what it costs you to toss it.
Then again, even at 3.5 cents per diaper, you're still talking about maybe 30 cents a day. That's worth it to me. I like my diaper genie a lot and I do find these refills convenient.
But if you tend to look for ways to get that 19 cent diaper instead of 22 cents or whatever, this adds a lot (relatively) to the cost. Might want to try the regular trash bag trick that another reviewer mentioned.
Buy Playtex Diaper Genie Refill (810 count total - 3 pack of 270 each) Now
Playtex no longer makes the Diaper Genie II or the Diaper Genie II Elite, therefore they no longer make the refills. They claim these Diaper Genie "Essentials" refills are compatible and yes, the cartridge does fit inside the Diaper Genie II Elite pail. This is, however, where the compatibility stops. The "new" refills are perhaps make of a thicker plastic than the Diaper Genie II Elite refills, which may sound wonderful when you think about odor protection. BUT!! The clamp inside the Diaper Genie II DOES NOT CLOSE all the way with the Diaper Genie "Essentials" refills so there ends up being a faint odor in the room!! Don't be fooled if you are in search of Diaper Genie II or Diaper Genie II Elite refills, this isn't them!Read Best Reviews of Playtex Diaper Genie Refill (810 count total - 3 pack of 270 each) Here
These were a perfect fit for our diaper genie Elite. I don't know what people are talking about that these aren't the same thing because they look exactly the same as the ones that originally came with our diaper genie from Babies R' Us. We had no problems with them fitting and they are far cheaper to purchase on Amazon than they are in our local stores. I will definitely buy them again. Just make sure your buying them for the right Diaper Genie specified and you should have no problems.EXTRA $$$$ Saving HELPFUL TIP: To get the most use out of these I don't use the cutter mechanism on the diaper genie because I was noticing that it wasted too much of the refill. Instead I keep a pair of scissors nearby and cut it when the bag needs changing. These really extends the life of my refills. I am getting a good 3-4 weeks or more out of each refill by doing this.
Want Playtex Diaper Genie Refill (810 count total - 3 pack of 270 each) Discount?
Yes I do purchase this item and love using it. I do wish it was less expensive and no matter where I shop it is never on sale. This company knows you need it and until a competitor does the job as well as Diaper Genie they have no reason to bring down the price. I finally got smart and only use the Genie for poop diapers. The rest go in the regular trash can.
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