Bumkins 3 Pack Bundle Cloth Diaper

Bumkins Diaper Bundle 3-Pack - Boy, MediumThese are one of the easiest to use cloth diapers. They close just like a disposable diaper so are easy for those new to cloth diapering or for babysitters. They offer a very trim fit compared to many other cloth diapers.

These are all-in-one diapers so they do not need a separate cover. I usually use fitted diapers and covers at home but like to keep a few all-in-ones (AIO) like these for quick changes on the go. They are also great for days when she doesn't want to hold still for a diaper change.

I just bought some more for my 8 month old girlshe is wearing a medium with still lots of room to grow. I also used Bumkins AIO with my older son. We used them almost exclusively once he was a toddler. I could even change him standing up.

I never tried them on newborn. I think separate fitteds and covers are usually better for containing runny newborn poop. I started using them both times about 6 months of age and never had any leakage problems. (my favorite newborn combo was Kissaluvs 0 fitted with an xs Thirsties cover)

I also don't use them at night because I prefer to use a thicker diaper.

Its easy to use a doubler with these if you need to add absorbancy. You can either just lay it inside or tuck it under the flap.

If they look stained an hour outside in the sun usually takes the stain right out.

I like having natural cotton against the babies skin. My son used to get rashes from diapers with fleece liners.

I don't think there is one perfect diaper for everybody. These get a lot of use here, but I still also love my fitteds and covers.

If money/budget was a concern my diapering choice would be a good quality prefold inside a Thirsties cover. (You can even just lay it inside the cover)

I got a good deal on a 6 pack of Bumkins All in One from another warehouse. They are not my favorite though we are using them on our twins. The outside is of course very cute, and it is also a good fabric. It's the inside that I have problems with.

The flannel is not very soft and the edges peak out the top and the sides and can leak. The flannel doesnt wick away moisture like pocket diapers ex: Fuzzi Bunz or Bumgenius. The sizing on these is similar to our FuzziBunz... but the wraps by Bumkins run quite small. I do like the wraps! And will keep these for variety.

Buy Bumkins 3 Pack Bundle Cloth Diaper Now

I love this bundle option! The diapers work well and are very attractive. The bag that is included is great for when your out with baby. It closes tight and I have not had a problem with odor when using it (even in hot weather). The only difficulty I find with these diapers is at nightthe waistband of my son's pajamas ends up tucked into the top of the diaper and it gets wet. I have solved this problem by using rubber (vinyl) pants at night. Soakers/inserts help, but does not fix the problem. I have had no problems with leaks during naptime or during the day when he's awake. These are some of the best cloth diaper options out there.

Read Best Reviews of Bumkins 3 Pack Bundle Cloth Diaper Here

After recently trying a cheaper brand, I realized how good Bumkins are! I have used the same covers for 2 children and they are still waterproof. I can't say that of their competitors. Also very easy to use.

Want Bumkins 3 Pack Bundle Cloth Diaper Discount?

We scored these all-in-ones in the sale section, and what a deal! They are great little diapers, and will be handy to have. We will be using cloth diapers and covers mostly, but having some AIOs will allow some flexibility. Very cute, not too girly, and the bag that comes with it will come in handy as well.


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