Huggies Overnites Diapers

Huggies Overnites Diapers, Size 5, 52 ctHuggies Overnites diapers used to be the BEST! Thick, incredibly absorbent. But, the diapers in the package I received earlier this week are entirely different cheaper in every way.

Yes, these are the "Winnie the Pooh" diapers others have been complaining about (though the "Pooh" printed Huggies Supreme daytime diapers I've received have been fine.) I should have listened to those reviews, it's just that my experience with Huggies had been very positive until now.

ARRGH! I work in manufacturing, and I know material costs have gone up substantially in recent months. The way Huggies has dealt with this, apparently, is by switching to a cheap, inferior product (as opposed to taking lower profits or raising prices.)

On the new version of the Overnight diapers:

-Much of the padding has been removed. In the crotch and rear of the diaper, there is substantially LESS padding than the existing, standard DAYTIME Huggies Supreme diapers have.

-The velcro patch is a lighter-weight, lower-quality material, and area on the front part of the diaper where you attach the velcro is much smaller. As a result, the new diapers don't attach as securely, and it's much easier for your baby's skin to be chafed by the rough edge of the velcro tab, as mosr of the protective material in front has been cut away.

-The "leak lock" area on the sides of the diaper through the crotch is thinner and less elastic than on the old style diapers, so the diaper doesn't fit as well and LEAKS.

I had the pleasure of changing the sheets EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK (between 1AM and 4AM)thanks to these new diapers. So frustrating! Each time, the diaper didn't even seem very full, it just leaked everywhere. Finally, last night I switched back to a daytime Huggies Supreme was the first night all wee my son slept though the night, and we were both a lot happier in the morning!

Look, I want to buy top quality diapers. I can afford to buy top quality diapers. I also work full time and am single mom to a two-year-old, and my son and I both really need our sleep. I'd much rather pay for and actually receive premium night-time diapers, than have to change my son's pajamas and sheets in the middle of the night, night after night, because Huggies decided they could save some money buy trading their quality product for cheap crap.

If anyone knows of a brand that still makes top quality overnight diapers, please let me know!! I'll keep an eye on the reviews in the hope that they'll switch back to the older, quality version, but for the near future I am DONE with Huggies Overnites.

There are two types of kids out there. There's the kid that pees frequently, but in small quantities; and there's the kid that pees 42 1/2 gallons of liquid somewhere between 2:30 and 3:00 a.m., straight up in the air, soaking him from head to toe while getting the cat, too.

I have the latter type of kid.

We've been using Pampers Baby Dry since the little man was about 3 months old. When he was about 6 months old, he was consistently waking up soaked in the middle of the night. Since using the Overnights, he has not woken up with soaked pajamas since. This is one serious diaper. It's the Kevlar of disposables. It's stiff, thick and doesn't look all that comfortable. It's a long diaper and the tabs tighen about 2/3 of the way up his chest. The tabs are sturdy, and we have not had a ripped one. The quality of the diaper is far superior to the Baby Dry, but this is a much more expensive diaper. The elastic at the waist is loose on my little string bean, but still keeps the wetness in. This is probably a diaper that would also fit a stockier kid quite well.

This is not a diaper for day use. In fact, I need to get it off him first thing in the morning, because if I don't he'll get a bit of a diaper rash. I don't consider this a con because I'm looking for the nuclear sub of wetness protection. I don't think the diaper will move well with a toddler, but it's not the intended use. Complaining about daytime wear is like complaining that your snow tires don't perform well in the summer.

All in all, I can't imagine life without this product. If this diaper weren't available, we would have seriously had to consider putting the little man to bed in the bathtub.

Buy Huggies Overnites Diapers Now

After using this brand for over 6 months they now have Winnie the Pooh on them and Huggies must have changed the make-up because there are more night time leaks. And after 2-3 days of wearing them our son has the worst blistering diaper rash he has ever had! We were so happy with the product for so long...what happened??!! This is similar to what happened when we tried Pampers Drymax. We are not happy.

Read Best Reviews of Huggies Overnites Diapers Here

Our almost 3 yr old sleeps in our bed with us (UGH!) and I quickly found out what a PIA it is to change the king size sheets every time he leaked through the diaper, which was alot! He sleeps 12 hrs a night or longer. We tried the Pampers extra absorbancy, no luck there. We've been using these diapers for a long time and they are so much better than any other option. They contain the wetness from 12+ hours at least 85% of the time.

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We have been using these for over a year on my son and until this last shipment, we only had one leak! So far, we are 3/3 on the new diapers, which is so disappointing. When I put them next to the old diaper (mickey design) the new ones (pooh bear) feel a lot thinner. Im not sure what changed, but please bring the old design back! Hopefully I can find a new overnight diaper that won't leak.


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